Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Our colleague Ann DeVere, Plaza Books, although she has posting  rights on this blog, suggested that Bookfinder.coms Fall Report would be of interest to all, but particularly my former and future Bookstore Courses students:  Top 100

And, Since We're Talking About Numbers...

In the Harry Potter series of books, there are 4,169 pages. But, more significantly:

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Vacation's Over - For Everybody !

Our colleagues from Amber Unicorn Books spent last week vacationing at the World Science Fiction Convention (WORLDCON) in Reno, where they found a dealer who had paperback copies of the Winston Juvenile Science Fiction Series. My mentor and master, Rick Cook - Attic Books, Laurel Maryland - was in town, again vacationing as were we, and Myrna & Lou told us about the paperback Winstons. My immediate thought, of course, was a blogicle, thus ending my vacation. We dumped Rick & Ellen at Southwest yesterday morning, and I hit the google, finding:

36 BATTLE ON MERCURY by Erik van Lhin pseudonym [Buy it!]

[show this book only]
Del Rey Lester writing as Erik Van Lhin.   75.00 ABAA L. W. Currey, Inc.  Philadelphia, Toronto: The John C. Winston Company,. [1953]. pictorial wrappers.. Shelf wear at edges, a good copy. (#132298). First edition. Part of the classic Winston science fiction series for young readers published between 1952 and 1961. Once thought to be an advance issue or uncorrected proof, this paperbound issue may have been prepared for use at U.S. Military base libraries or perhaps was a remainder issue. The book is made up of first edition sheets complete with the illustrated Schomburg end papers enclosed in stiff paper wrapper which has the dust jacket pasted to it. The jacket is a later printing with 29 titles listed on the rear panel instead of the 15 that were listed on the first printing jacket. Anatomy of Wonder (1995) 5-160. Philadelphia Toronto: The John C. Winston Company  
Once again, Lloyd Currey strikes.  As did our colleague - and Rick's brother-in-law, John Knott:

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Join Us ! Make A Post ! Build A Fence !

Follow the link below, and you'll join BOWAWB - that's this blog.  You'll be able to make posts and comments, and build a fence between you and what currently passes for reality. 
Join Up Now

Friday, August 19, 2011

A Tip From My Former Partner, Cynthia

My dear Cynthia, the Romance Queen of the East Coast, likes to keep Barbara & me  apprised of the latest developments outside of Las Vegas. She has a rather high opinion of my Bookstore Series of courses, and sent this:

Hey DEF,Looks like Bookstore 101, etc. has competition in FL.    8-)   CP:

Has anyone attended the 5-day Owning a Bookstore seminar presented by Paz & Associates? I am wondering if this would be worthwhile as I am still in the planning stage. Would like to hear about any thoughts or experiences. Here's a link to the seminar website: http://pazbookbiz.com/training-workshops/opening-a-bookstore-workshop/
Now, would someone explain to me what  #8, -, and ) mean ?

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Government Speaks - Again

Perhaps we have the final word, courtesy of PW,  from those wonderful people in Washington about Children's Books: Lead Heads & Kid's Books
Now go out and buy all those collectibles for stock.

Friday, August 12, 2011

A Student Sent This !

Very interesting, and she even sent it Snail Mail because she couldn't find our e-dress. Sort of like when air was clean...British Bookstore Bollicked  Thanks, Holly.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hot Diggedy Dog !

Our friends and colleagues,  Michael and Andy de Cave des Cheveaux, have gotten their website up and running. Check it out:  Two Bears and A Dog
Michael's the one with the glasses. Or is it Andy ?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Ex-Library or Ex Libris ?

The IIs sell huge amounts of former library books, usually at 99 cents each, plus $ 3.99 shipping. There are a few ISs - Internet Scumbags - including several ABAA dealers I know personally that try to make their crap look better by labeling junk as ex libris, i.e. "from the library." Yes, I know, some incompetents use the phrase to denote that the book is from someone's library, but that's not usually the case. Ex-library is ex-library no matter if you speak English or Latin. If you can't afford a proper copy of a book, save your money until you can.

Paperback, Softbound, Chapbook, Chapter Book ?

We still speak English here at Greyhound's Books, but sometimes it's hard, especially with book-related or literary terminology. For your information, from my favorite, Wikipedia:

Friday, August 5, 2011

Good Words about "The Kinder Gentler Bookstore" and Another

 A colleague in Texas referred a friend to us - and The Others Across the Street, herein known as TOATS - and he stopped in yesterday. He's here for a convention, and made a post on a blog, to which our colleague sent us a link . Our thanks to him for the good words, and will surely welcome him back. Anytime. And, I even referred him to our friend and colleague, Ann Devere at Plaza Books. Read on:

I’ve never really thought of Las Vegas as a bookish town, but (a friend) tipped me off to two vintage bookstores that I visited today. I heartily endorse both of them, and strongly recommend that you visit both. Doing so is pretty easy, as they’re basically right across the street from each other.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Quill & Brush

Allen & Pat Ahearn have just published the fourth edition of their wonderful book on collecting. Please check out their website for more of their reference books - all equally splendid - but check this one out first: Quill & Brush  The article is from the latest issue of Fine Books & Collections.