Monday, February 27, 2012

February New Arrivals

Buttino, Frank    A Special Agent - Gay and Inside the FBI.
                         A fine first edition first  printing book in a fine dustjacket. Signed, dated, and
Danziger, Paula  The United Tates of America. Inscribed and dated.
Meltsner, Michael  Cruel and Unusual - the Supreme Court and Capital Punishment.
                          A very good minus first edition first printing book - previous owner's signature -
                          in a very good minus dustjacket.
Fox,Wesley, Colonel, USMC  Marine Rifleman. A fine first edition first  printing book in a
                         fine dustjacket. Signed.
Peffer, Randall. Logs of the Dead Pirates Society. A fine first edition first  printing book in
                        a fine dustjacket. Inscribed and dated.
Conrad, Nancy  Rocket Man - Astronaut Pete Conrad's incredible ride to the Moon and 
                         Beyond. A fine first edition first  printing book in a fine dustjacket. Signed and

March 2012 Las Vegas Bookmans Guild Meeting

Myrna Donato has organized the March Las Vegas Bookmans Guild meeting. Details below. If you aren't getting our direct e-mails, please call her if you plan to attend: 648.9303

Royal Cuisine near our store (Amber Unicorn Books) we will be meeting there again on Sunday, March 11, 2012 at 6:00 PM.
We will again have the private room. Need feed back on whether you like holding the meetings on Sunday. Same as last time bring cash as they don't do separate checks.

Subject for discussion is going to be What were your favorite books from childhood (ages 5-12) and are they still popular and what kind of prices do they command in todays' market.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Another Giant Step for Our Friends in KY

Two Bears - Michael & Andy - & A Dog Books just keeps on ticking. The most recent coup is Horse Cave being certified by the Kentucky Arts Council as a cultural district.  It's an interesting state-and local partnership, and bodes well for our colleagues' business. Sort of reminds me of Las Vegas !  Check it out:
Culture In Horse Cave

Friday, February 10, 2012

Every Once In a While, I'm SO Proud...

One of our colleagues has a store and also sells on the Internet. His descriptions and prices are excellent: fully described books and jackets, full value for the price he asks. He sent us the following e-mail exchange with a would-be customer, or idiot, if you prefer:

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A View of the Las Vegas Book World from Americana Exchange

Bruce Mckinney crafted his impressions of our fair city, and some of its credible bookstores during his recent visit. You may disagree with some of the things he says. Feel free to comment here. The article can be accessed at: Americana Exchange on Las Vegas