Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Busty & Butty Chicks with Big Hair

Frank Frazetta the heroic fantasy cover artist, is known for, to use current parlance, hot chicks, in leather, or nothing but skin - big busts, big butts, big hair. They pair - no pun intended - very nicely with his massive thighed, heroic men with big swords and bigger muscles. Think Sophia Loren in her heyday and Ahhhnold with no accent. But wait, there's more to our Frank.

George Macdonald Fraser wrote a wonderful series about Harry Flashman- Tom Brown's nemesis - who was a coward, a poltroon, a womanizer, and a cad who rose from leftenant to major general in the 19th century British Army. Frazetta also did a cover for one of the Flashman books - it's rather scarce - and guess what: B&BCWBH. The art is completely inappropriate for the book, but it is a Frazetta cover that's getting scarcer and scarcer.

My thanks to Ann DeVere, Plaza Books, for calling and correcting my egregious error in the original post.

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